Healing Journey Women’s Day Retreat
May11th (12th optional)
"If our emotional, mental, or physical wellness isn't up to par, it can hinder our ability to be fully present in our own lives and for those who matter to us."
As women, we carry a lot inside our minds, bodies and souls. Sometimes, we just need to let it go!
Our 1 day retreat has been designed just for that: immersing ourselves in different nurturing practices that can change our lives!
We delve deeper into finding ourselves, by making space to acknowledge and begin to release and course correct ancestral curses and misalignments, lack of self love, lack of self care and so much more.
All this, whilst submersed in nature, on our eco farm!
Invest in your holistic wellbeing and spend time with other amain women on the same path, in a safe and nurturing space where you can finally disconnect from the world and your daily routine, and connect to yourself!
Day Program
Saturday 11th
10am arrival at Eco Dharma Village - Refreshments
10:30am: 1 .5 hour gentle yoga* and Chakras activation meditation
*Yoga will be done outside, weather permitting.
12pm Journaling and Sound Bath
1:30pm Ottolenghi Style, Plant Based Lunch
3pm Shamanic Healing journey, Women Constellation and Ancestral Healing (with Daphne Kool https://praktijkdekrijger.nl )
5pm Circle
6pm Refreshments and light dinner with presentation on Spring Detox and Cleanse
7:30 departure (option to stay overnight)
Sunday 12th
Free morning to roam the grounds, journal, meditate or book a massage (not included in the package)
9am: Refreshments with fresh juices and warm water and lemon
11am : Reinvigorating Plant Based Brunch
1pm Circle and Sharing
3pm Departure
Day retreat, fully inclusive : €150
Overnight Stay Option (Saturday): €185
Traveling from abroad? Below some bolt on options to make your stay a full weekend
Friday night extra stay: €60 (added to the 185) for bread and breakfast
Transport from/to the airport: €100 (you are welcome to rent your own car and we can help you if you need help)
Massage: €45
Please note we only have 10 available spots , sharing for overnight stay
Day retreat capped at 20 participants Experience being in a very intimate group (max 6 people)