Events and Retreats

Women Wellness Retreats
This retreat is designed for women across all life stages (ovulating, perimenopausal, and menopausal/post-menopausal), with a focus on achieving deep healing through raw food nutrition, detoxification, and emotional release. We will integrate teachings on hormonal health for each group, but the sessions will also be consolidated into universal healing protocols that apply to all. Your host, Chantal Di Donato, reversed Adrenal Fatigue and Type 2 Diabetes with a mostly raw vegan diet and she will guide you , with the help of fantastic practitioners, through a transformative journey, helping you to connect with your bodies, heal deeply, and rejuvenate. DETAILS

Women Wellness Retreats
This retreat is designed for women across all life stages (ovulating, perimenopausal, and menopausal/post-menopausal), with a focus on achieving deep healing through raw food nutrition, detoxification, and emotional release. We will integrate teachings on hormonal health for each group, but the sessions will also be consolidated into universal healing protocols that apply to all. Chantal Di Donato reversed Adrenal Fatigue and Type 2 Diabetes with a high raw vegan diet and lifestyle and will guide you, together with other amazing practitioners, through a transformative journey, helping you to connect with your bodies, heal deeply, and rejuvenate. DETAILS

Dear friend
@elevatepbmarket is on for our Fall edition!
Save the date as you come and meet the amazing local exhibitors, artists and creators!

Day Women’s Retreat (with option for overnight stay)
Healing Journey Women’s Day Retreat
May11th (12th optional)
"If our emotional, mental, or physical wellness isn't up to par, it can hinder our ability to be fully present in our own lives and for those who matter to us."
As women, we carry a lot inside our minds, bodies and souls. Sometimes, we just need to let it go!
Our 1 day retreat has been designed just for that: immersing ourselves in different nurturing practices that can change our lives!
We delve deeper into finding ourselves, by making space to acknowledge and begin to release and course correct ancestral curses and misalignments, lack of self love, lack of self care and so much more.
All this, whilst submersed in nature, on our eco farm!
Invest in your holistic wellbeing and spend time with other amain women on the same path, in a safe and nurturing space where you can finally disconnect from the world and your daily routine, and connect to yourself!
Day Program
Saturday 11th
10am arrival at Eco Dharma Village - Refreshments
10:30am: 1 .5 hour gentle yoga* and Chakras activation meditation
*Yoga will be done outside, weather permitting.
12pm Journaling and Sound Bath
1:30pm Ottolenghi Style, Plant Based Lunch
3pm Shamanic Healing journey, Women Constellation and Ancestral Healing (with Daphne Kool https://praktijkdekrijger.nl )
5pm Circle
6pm Refreshments and light dinner with presentation on Spring Detox and Cleanse
7:30 departure (option to stay overnight)
Sunday 12th
Free morning to roam the grounds, journal, meditate or book a massage (not included in the package)
9am: Refreshments with fresh juices and warm water and lemon
11am : Reinvigorating Plant Based Brunch
1pm Circle and Sharing
3pm Departure
Day retreat, fully inclusive : €150
Overnight Stay Option (Saturday): €185
Traveling from abroad? Below some bolt on options to make your stay a full weekend
Friday night extra stay: €60 (added to the 185) for bread and breakfast
Transport from/to the airport: €100 (you are welcome to rent your own car and we can help you if you need help)
Massage: €45
Please note we only have 10 available spots , sharing for overnight stay
Day retreat capped at 20 participants Experience being in a very intimate group (max 6 people)

The Magic of Yin
Combining the quiet, still and peaceful practice of Yin Yoga, with amazing sound healing, using Tibetan Singing Bowls at Pilates Helena Mandoça - Praça Camilo Castelo Branco 42 4700 - 209 BRAGA
This class is open to all levels, including beginners!
Come join us and book by texting me on +351 961741593 . Payment of EURO 18 via MbWay or bank transfer.

Back to Eden Supper Club
Join me at Eco Dharma, for a wonderful evening of learning, cooking and dining together, discovering the true magic of Eden’s food: plants! This event, which is part of a monthly series, will offer you the opportunity to get comfortable making amazing dishes using ingredients that are oftentimes thought as boring or “side” but that can truly enrich your culinary experience, and make everyone else fall in love with your food too!
Each class has a different theme, ingredients to learn about , and flavours to build your amazing repertoire. Today we dive into the best food for fall and how to boost immunity with amazing meals
Cost: 15€ - includes cooking lesson and supper
Bookings: Email me to reserve your spot and make payments
Bookings are only confirmed after payments have been made, as I have limited spots available

Recharge Retreat
Join us at Eco Dharma for a fantastic self care weekend.
Experience being in a very intimate group (max 6 people)
2 nights stay in our amazing glamping domes (with bathroom)
2 x whole food plant based meals (breakfast and dinner)
All day long herbal teas and snacks available
1 x Functional movement class (blend of Yoga, Barre and Pilates)
1 x sound healing meditation
Option to book an aromatherapy massage (not included in the package, price is 40€)
Time in nature and with amazing cuddly dogs (you have to be a dog lover to be here , because we have always upwards of 6 :) )
Shared Occupancy (Twin or Double) 188€
Single Occupancy 250€
Limited Space available. Terms and Conditions apply to all our retreats

Back to Eden Supper Club
Join me at Eco Dharma, for a wonderful evening of learning, cooking and dining together, discovering the true magic of Eden’s food: plants! This event, which is part of a monthly series, will offer you the opportunity to get comfortable making amazing dishes using ingredients that are oftentimes thought as boring or “side” but that can truly enrich your culinary experience, and make everyone else fall in love with your food too!
Each class has a different theme, ingredients to learn about , and flavours to build your amazing repertoire. Today we dive into Mexican Food with alcohol free Better than Tequila shots!
Cost: 15€ - includes cooking lesson and supper
Bookings: Email me to reserve your spot and make payments
Bookings are only confirmed after payments have been made, as I have limited spots available

Back to Eden Supper Club
Join me at Eco Dharma, for a wonderful evening of learning, cooking and dining together, discovering the true magic of Eden’s food: plants! This event, which is part of a monthly series, will offer you the opportunity to get comfortable making amazing dishes using ingredients that are oftentimes thought as boring or “side” but that can truly enrich your culinary experience, and make everyone else fall in love with your food too!
Each class has a different theme, ingredients to learn about , and flavours to build your amazing repertoire. Today we dive into Mediterranean /Middle Eastern Flavours with vegan cheese!
Cost: 15€ - includes cooking lesson and supper
Bookings: Email me to reserve your spot and make payments
Bookings are only confirmed after payments have been made, as I have limited spots available

FULLY BOOKED Ancestral Medicine Retreat
Join us at Eco Dharma for a fantastic self care weekend.
Experience being in a very intimate group (max 6 people)
2 nights stay in our amazing glamping domes (with bathroom)
2 x whole food plant based meals (breakfast and dinner)
All day long herbal teas and snacks available
1 x Yoga class with Journaling
1 x sound healing meditation for ancestral alignment
Option to book an aromatherapy massage (not included in the package, price is 40€)
Time in nature and with amazing cuddly dogs (you have to be a dog lover to be here , because we have always upwards of 6 :) )
Shared Occupancy (Twin or Double) 188€
Single Occupancy 250€
Limited Space available. Terms and Conditions apply to all our retreats

Back to Eden Supper Club
Join me at Eco Dharma, for a wonderful evening of learning, cooking and dining together, discovering the true magic of Eden’s food: plants! This event, which is part of a monthly series, will offer you the opportunity to get comfortable making amazing dishes using ingredients that are oftentimes thought as boring or “side” but that can truly enrich your culinary experience, and make everyone else fall in love with your food too!
Each class has a different theme, ingredients to learn about , and flavours to build your amazing repertoire. Today we dive into Ayurvedic foods!
Cost: 15€ - includes cooking lesson and supper
Bookings: Email me to reserve your spot and make payments
Bookings are only confirmed after payments have been made, as I have limited spots available

Event alert! We are going to be screening this amazing documentary From Food to Freedom at O Mundo Somos Nos on April 23rd! This documentary is a great continuation to Plant Pure Nation and it delves into personal responsibility and the power we have to heal! All proceeds will be donated to Plant Pure Nation for their amazing work and allow more work to be done though Plant Pure Communities.
To book kindly text or call +351 962 741 593 to pay €7 for the ticket which includes snack.
Very Limited space
Portugal resident only: Vila Verde Area /Braga/Viana do Castelo, Porto

Back to Eden Supper Club
Join me at Eco Dharma, for a wonderful evening of learning, cooking and dining together, discovering the true magic of Eden’s food: plants! This event, which is part of a monthly series, will offer you the opportunity to get comfortable making amazing dishes using ingredients that are oftentimes thought as boring or “side” but that can truly enrich your culinary experience, and make everyone else fall in love with your food too!
Each class will be different and unique. This class will work on constructing amazing bowls!
Cost: 15€ - includes cooking lesson and supper
Bookings: Email me to reserve your spot and make payments
Bookings are only confirmed after payments have been made, as I have limited spots available