Reiki is such a healing experience, where we harmonise mind, body and soul with the frequencies of the divine! It is not religious in its nature but it is divine! Reiki is Holy Spirit; Mother; Wisdom and when she flows through us , she can restore our relationship with our Father, our creator! We are creation so it makes sense to be connected to source.
When you join me for a session, you will be welcomed by beautiful smells and sounds; curated to relax your Autonomic Nervous System, most specifically, the sympathetic.
Before the session, you will fill a questionnaire so that I can keep track of your progress.
You will then lie down and after some breaths and intention setting, I will place my hands on , or over you (if you do not like to be touched, you don’t have to) and begin balancing your energy through Reiki. My method also involves using tuning forks and singing bowls; for their “medicinal” properties, as well as crystals.
After the session, you will feel relaxed and grounded and within a few days of integration, you will feel more aligned and calm.
It is a beautiful self care practice
Get in touch if you have more questions