Big C for Cure
With Breast Cancer rates seemingly increasingly yearly, I have decided to spend a bit of time diving into one of the things, 9 out of 10 women are concerned about getting in their lifetime. I am no stranger to the fear that arises from checking your breast and feeling a lump.
In 2012, one Sunday morning in bed, I literally just brushed my hand by my left breast and I felt something different. My body froze, as my mind however, raced to dark places. Thankfully, after a visit at a specialist, and an ultrasound, I learned that there was nothing to worry about, and that I simply had fibrotic breasts.
It was probably due to the hormonal fluctuations linked to taking the contraceptive pill for years, and I just needed to keep doing self checks and monitoring any changes. I stopped the contraceptive pill since , and balanced out my hormones naturally. I still check my breasts with a specialist every 4 years, self check weekly, and keep my lifestyle and diet as healthy as I can. I can certainly vouch for this holistic approach.
The past 60 years have seen cancer cases, with Breast cancer at the top, increase steadily, to the levels of pandemic. Yet, although we hear the C word almost daily, there is still very little understanding about it and, therefore, a lot of fear surrounding it .
Countries that have never had many incidents historically, face a sudden rise in statistics. Why is this happening? What has changed in the past 60 years that has been jeopardising our health so much?
There is really no single straight answer, but it is an accumulation of variables that we can look at, for sure. Some factors are lifestyle related, so depend on our daily behaviours and choices. Others, are not directly within our control, but we can still do something about them.
It is best to first understand what exactly cancer is, and then discuss the contributing factor that can either promote its development or stop it. Cancer is completely normal! Yep, you read that right! It is something that is part of our body and that we all have.
So, what is the difference between someone developing a cancerous tumour or not? The answer is “simple”: our immune system.
Cancer cells, are cells that are out of balance. The body is used to that happening and relies on the immune system to kill those cells before they propagate. The issue is that, when someone has a compromised immunity, the body will fail to single out these cells and they will continue developing into tissues (tumours).
So what factors are either supporting the immune system or making it weaker?
I mentioned that certain factors are dependent on our daily habits and choices. Those are manly our dietary choices, sleep pattern, stress management, exercise/movement, the products we use in our homes and on our skin and happiness and fulfilment we feel: like our relationships or career satisfaction.
The factors that are mostly not in our control, are environmental pollution and EMF. But even they, can be managed with awareness and adjustments.
Let’s dive into the first batch: factors we can directly take control of today: Our lifestyle!
Diet is probably the most important, because we eat daily, several times a day; so it makes sense that this will be the first thing to clean up! Our immune system responds directly to our nutritional intake. To work optimally, our immune system needs to be nourished with all the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that we find in nature. Our Immune system also responds to our gut health, as at least 70% of our immune cells are behind the gut lining. Our gut health is closely connected to our intake of plants, as the good bacteria, in our gut, needs fibre to thrive.
Health is like looking at a ripple, if we throw a rock in water; from the centre, it expands outwards and it is all always connected. In short: a diet rich in plants is optimal for immunity, as it will support the body in all its endeavours.. Studies clearly state this, though sometimes, they get overshadowed by corporate interest, so people focus on macronutrients , like protein, rather that the micro, which is where we clearly go wrong.
The other factors, like movement, the products we use on our body and in our homes, require attention too. We should make it a priority to move our body daily. That doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym, but walking in nature, dancing in the living room, going up and down the stairs or simply stretching.
As for products we use at home, let’s just make it simple: commercial products, whether they are for house chores or for our body (shampoos, lotions and even toothpaste), are full of toxins that accumulate in our body through time. Although our body continuously cleanses and detoxifies, some ingredients, like heavy metals, will lodge into our tissues and will inevitably cause chaos and hinder our immunity at some point. A lot of breast cancers have been linked to an accumulation of aluminium , under our armpits, from the use of deodorants.
Our natural detox is also closely dependent on movement and diet. You can start seeing the ripple forming, right?
Other factors like EMF and environmental pollution are harder to manage. You could ideally live in a rural area, away from neighbours who have their phones and wifi on all day, but you will still deal with toxins being sprayed on crops and in the air. As those things are harder to escape, it is paramount that we adopt a detoxifying routine that supports our body in its cleansing process.
Things like EMF protective clothing or just tools to minimise the frequencies from our routers and phones in our homes, are wonderful tips.
The body is a perfect, self-healing, creation, made to be healthy. But, just like anything else, it needs up-keeping. It needs to be given the right conditions to thrive in what it naturally is capable of .
Modern medicine is trying to find a “solution”, and therefore a drug, that can “cure” Cancer, failing to invest in prevention or expand into alternative systems of integrative oncology.
Allopathic medicine tends to forget that our bodies can achieve incredible results and heal themselves. Doctors know this but they rather label healing as “spontaneous remission” , and not connect the dots, than contradict Big Pharma. Modern medicine also fails to look at the root cause of disease, therefore treating the symptoms rather than the problem.
Just look at the state of our health system when it comes to fighting new viruses. The focus is to find a vaccine, instead of actually guiding people to quit smoking, stop junk food intake and start taking their nutrition seriously, to exercise and cater for clean water and air, as an example!
Moderna’ s CEO has been reportedly sharing with insiders, that the mRNA vaccine won’t only help with the new strains of Corona viruses (which has not happened ), but Cancer too (which will not happen either).
That is a bold statement to make, one which personally worries me, and that I find fascinating it was not covered by mainstream media in details. This was privately shared with my by an old contact at JP Morgan, where Moderna’ s CEO is a happy Private Banking client. Let’s follow the money…
Big Pharma is not a small change business, and being backed by families like the Rockefeller’ and Gates can probably tell the level of profit and influence we are talking about! It is no coincidence that Cancer foundations are created by the same people whose drugs were found to possibly being carcinogenic. Or that they use lobbyists to push their agendas at government level so that what benefits them becomes policy.
From personal experience, I saw very close friends get cancer and succumb to it within 2 years. That was hurtful but also eye opening to the very important questions and thoughts, I never dared ask before: These patients were following all of their doctors’ instructions; doing everything from chemotherapy to radiations, as protocols suggest, why did they die?
I can safely say that the issue is that those patients are not told how to heal; but how to manage their disease temporarily, which then fails them longterm I most cases. The statistics don’t quite reflect this reality because patients are told they are in remission after 1 or 2 years and , if any cancer develops after 5 years, it is seen as “unrelated”. Sadly, the truth is that they are very much related; cancer takes time to come back and when the body has not healed, it appears back in the same or other tissues, with a vengeance.
The issue with many drugs , like chemo, is that it doesn’t target cancerous cells, it affects all cells, even healthy ones, so it leaves the body very weak and susceptible to pathogens taking over.
Moreover, chemo has been found ineffective in tackling cancerous stem cells, which eventually then propagate into becoming new cancerous tissues. This is not to say that, in some cases, chemotherapy can’t help the patient, but this is proven much more effective when the patient is strong (so knowing the patient is important), depending on the cancer (not all cancers respond to chemo , so why give this indiscriminately to everyone?) and in conjunctions with other more integrative treatments (which allopathic oncologists have no idea about, nor are pushed to look into).
Generally, doctors don’t discuss protocols to rebuild the immune system and support vital organs that have undergone massive stress post treatments, leaving patients to faith and luck.
I, like most people, was told that there is no cure for cancer; that chemotherapy is the only solution and that when doctors tell us that we only have “3 months to live” it is true! I have lived my life being afraid of Cancer , especially after seeing young people pass away from its side effects. But I came to learn another truth.
A few years ago, I came across a wonderful documentary called: “The Truth About Cancer”.
I have not been a fan of taking drugs for a while but, with diseases such as cancer, I never questioned doctors’ integrity and the solutions being shared… until I watched that documentary.
I learned that chemo, just like any other drug, is not made to treat the disease, it is not made to cure cancer, rather to manage it and make the cancerous cells shrink or disappear… for a while. However, most people have a relapse, because chemo kills anything in its wake, including our immune system cells.
After the documentary, I met so many people who have been fighting cancer, are listening to their doctors and undergoing operations, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, yet remain very ill.
I don’t discard modern medicine, and I respect the many discoveries it has offered for the betterment of life quality of many. But I am a fan of integrative medicine, for all matters, because it looks at the body as an holistic being, with functions that depend on one another and not separate organs with no connection to the rest of the body. This integrative approach allows patients to support their body, even if they decide to undergo more conventional treatments and listen to their doctors. Those who opt for an integrative plan to back their chemo, for example, have been found to have less recurrences of a relapse.
Were I to be in a situation where I were faced with cancer, I would firstly take ownership of my healing plan with all the things that I can control (diet, emotional wellbeing, stress management), and then find the best Integrative oncologists to take me through treatments that are proven and powerful without resorting to chemotherapy or radiation. After extensive research, I would like to think that I would be able to try the Hope for Cancer Clinics in Mexico, where I found that the methods used are both traditional and holistic with awesome recovery rates.
I know that I am healthy now ,and I would rather stay that way, so it is not just about managing the disease when it happens, but rather promoting health whilst we have it.
How do we do that? We adopt a balanced lifestyle, so we don’t follow trends of fad diets , we learn about the impact of stress, worries, the quality of the air that we breathe or the water we drink.
We learn about environmental factors that might affect us and create a lifestyle plan which gives us the best shot at supporting our bodies through tough times.
I believe that once you know you have options, it is important to look at them, and not just feel lost in the words of our doctors. They do not learn about lifestyle, do not learn about nutrition and are not taught to think of the body as a holistic system. Oncologists specialise in the treatment of cancer in the way the educational system finds appropriate. Ever think of who sponsors those conventional protocols?
Integrative medical doctors tend to be better educated and look at the overall picture, taking into consideration different options available to the patient, according to what their need.
Here a few tips I would recommend looking into:
1. Turn to a plant based diet:I will never get tired of inspiring people in going plant based. I think it is important to respect our body and our surroundings, and feed ourselves with live foods and not foods that have suffered before getting onto our plates. We also want to have food that are rich in phytochemical, minerals and vitamins! Those are pants, just as the creator made them!
2. Choose organic, local and seasonal: Here it can get complicated, and some say expensive; but in all fairness, if you buy local and seasonal foods, the prices will always be lower than buying exotic and imported food. If you buy organic vegetables and fruit, and cut out the expensive animal proteins, it will actually not cost more. Long term, this change will mean saving on health insurance and medical procedures and drugs.
3. Get Juicing: Juices are amazing as they are a great way to upper your intake of phytochemical and micronutrients, because you can consume a higher volume of raw vegetables and fruit without the fibre; so your digestive system can take a break too.
4. Keep your gut healthy: Coconut kefir is amazing example of getting your probiotics daily in form of foods. You can also opt for a vegan probiotics capsules, which are absolutely fantastic! I love Optibac, as they specialise in gut health and thrive to offer the best results with their products. To keep your gut healthy and happy, the key is to eat plenty of vegetables, fruit and wholegrain to give the microbiome their food (prebiotic or fibre)
5. Adopt coffee enemas: Enemas or colonics are amazing! They really help take away all the toxins from the liver and Colonand flush it down the toilet (literally). So, why not try it at home? The Gerson Therapy explains it all and even though you may be healthy , you can do the coffee enemas. Maybe not every day. You can still take advantage of it as part of a maintenance /cleansing program.
6. Say goodbye to junk: This needs to become a lifestyle, not a sacrifice! If you embark on a journey to health and prevention, eating well means you do it because you love it! Illness does not happen over night so health won’t happen over night either. Eating with a mindful mind about quality and variety is key for longterm results.
7. Enjoy life with people you love: Surround yourself with positive and inspiring people who make you feel alive and healthy! Research shows that if you have health conscious friends, you will be healthier too! That is awesome!
8. Prayer: Meditating on the word of our Lord is one of the most important things for me! When I read Bible verses out loud and meditate on their meaning, it fills me up with hope, gratitude, and happiness. Those positive feelings are certainly key in keeping a healthy body too.
There is no time like NOW to make changes and feel inspired in being healthier and a lot of it can be done at home and without spending more money, it just requires the commitment to make it happen.