Bring out the Magic in Mushrooms

Before you dismiss the title and think I'm promoting hallucinogenic experiences, let me assure you that the magic I'm referring to involves no unexpected side effects. In fact, it comes with a single enchanting power: health benefits!

In this article, I will be sharing my experience with medicinal mushrooms and with a brand I truly trust: Wunder Workshop. WW is renowned for its expertise in herbal products and its medicinal mushrooms, Chaga extract and Golden Shrooms, are no exceptions!

For years, Wunder Workshop founder, Zoe, has conducted extensive research on the powers of herbs and natural products. This passion led to the birth of Wunder Workshop, which has gained recognition as the, first and leading Turmeric Brand in Europe. With their original blends capturing the attention of the health industry, the Golden Shrooms blend is no exception.

Combining the foundational ingredient of all Golden products—Turmeric—with two potent medicinal mushrooms, Cordyceps and Reishi, as well as Ginger, Cacao, and Black Pepper, this delightful mixture is not only delicious but also incredibly effective.

Exploring the Magic of Medicinal Mushrooms:

While you may already be familiar with Turmeric and its remarkable benefits, it's time to delve into the captivating world of medicinal mushrooms. Throughout history, mushrooms have been revered and cultivated worldwide for their healing and nutritional properties. However, it's important to note that not all mushrooms are suitable for ingestion, as some can be toxic or even fatal. The mushrooms classified as medicinal, on the other hand, truly live up to their name.

Medicinal mushrooms release compounds that interact positively with the human body. Extensive lab research has observed their activity within the cellular structures of both humans and animals. These intelligent fungi have developed healing compounds and attributes primarily for their own survival, which allows them to thrive even when other microorganisms struggle.

Boosting the Immune System and Fighting Pathogens:

Medicinal mushrooms play a crucial role in stimulating the immune system (1) . They trigger various components within our immune cells, making them more effective in combating bacteria, viruses, and even other fungi like candida. Active polysaccharides found in mushrooms, often bound to proteins, interact with receptors in immune system cells. These interactions lead to changes in their response towards pathogens. In fact, the consumption of medicinal mushrooms has been shown to enhance the immune system's ability to recognize cancer cells, as well as improve the body's defense against bacteria and viruses.

Cordyceps, the Adaptive Fungi:

Cordyceps, a species of fungi that grows on moth larvae, exhibits remarkable adaptability. Its ability to thrive in harsh environments enables it to balance and regulate the immune system's response to pathogens. Cordyceps has been known to enhance athletic performance and energy levels, particularly in low-oxygen conditions that often cause fatigue. This mushroom also shows potential in supporting adrenal health and releasing energy when the adrenals are depleted. Chinese medicine has long utilized Cordyceps for treating respiratory ailments and it has shown promising effects against asthma. Additionally, Cordyceps has been linked to kidney health, and research suggests its potential benefits for diabetes patients by enhancing insulin sensitivity.(2)

Reishi, The Queen of Medicinal Mushrooms:

Reishi mushrooms hold an esteemed place in Chinese medicine. Its health benefits are attributed to highly active immune-modulating polysaccharides and over 130 triterpenoid compounds. Reishi exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties, making it beneficial for individuals experiencing allergic reactions. It has also been recommended for those with autoimmune diseases, as it helps regulate the immune system and reduce attacks on the body's own tissues. Notably, Reishi supports liver health by protecting against toxicity and normalizing liver enzymes, making it a valuable ally for those dealing with liver issues. It has also been seen to be beneficial for people with Cancer. (3)

I wish i has known about this when my grandmothers was alive, as she had liver problems. I feel her healing journey would have been successful that way.

Chaga, the king of mushrooms:

Another “oldie” from Chinese medicine, Chaga is a powerful adaptogenic medicinal mushrooms that holds its title as the King! Chaga is also known by other names, such as black mass, clinker polypore, birch canker polypore, cinder conk and the sterile conk trunk rot (of birch). Chaga is a powerful anti-inflammatory and immune booster; very rich in Beta glucans, and it has been seen to be very effective against viral infections and even cancer (4) It has been also seen to be very efficient in lowering blood sugar and assisting in the treatment of diabetes, as well as lowering triglycerides and supporting cardiovascular health. (5)

Wunder Workshop has a wonderful Superior Chaga powder, dual extracted for bio availability, so you get all the benefits and don’t waste money! Wunder’s potent 10:1 bio-active concentrated Superior Chaga powder contains: 

  • >30% polysaccharides

  • >3% triterpenes

  • >15% beta-glucans

  • >3% polyphenols. 

If you are interested in Medicinal Mushrooms and want to learn more, follow Wunder Workshop, as they always share incredibly educational material, as well as Mycologist Merlin Sheldrake who is a leading authority in Medicinal Mushrooms education.

Please always consult your treating physician before adding medicinal mushrooms into your routine, if you have any ailments or are on medications.


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